Epub – Cerebral Cortex
Postnatal Development of Glutamate and GABA Transcript Expression in Monkey Visual, Parietal, and Prefrontal Cortices

December 7, 2020

Hoftman GD, Bazmi HH, Ciesielski AJ, Dinka LA, Chen K, Lewis DA

Visuospatial working memory (vsWM) requires information transfer among multiple cortical regions, from primary visual (V1) to prefrontal (PFC) cortices. This information is conveyed via layer 3 glutamatergic neurons whose activity is regulated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons. In layer 3 of adult human neocortex, molecular markers of glutamate neurotransmission were lowest in V1 and highest in PFC, whereas GABA markers had the reverse pattern. Here, we asked if these opposite V1-visual association cortex (V2)-posterior parietal cortex (PPC)-PFC gradients across the vsWM network are present in layer 3 of monkey neocortex, when they are established during postnatal development, and if they are specific to this layer. We quantified transcript levels of glutamate and GABA markers in layers 3 and 6 of four vsWM cortical regions in a postnatal developmental series of 30 macaque monkeys. In adult monkeys, glutamate transcript levels in layer 3 increased across V1-V2-PPC-PFC regions, whereas GABA transcripts showed the opposite V1-V2-PPC-PFC gradient. Glutamate transcripts established adult-like expression patterns earlier during postnatal development than GABA transcripts. These V1-V2-PPC-PFC gradients and developmental patterns were less evident in layer 6. These findings demonstrate that expression of glutamate and GABA transcripts differs across cortical regions and layers during postnatal development, revealing potential molecular substrates for vsWM functional maturation.

Hoftman GD, Bazmi HH, Ciesielski AJ, Dinka LA, Chen K, Lewis DA. Postnatal Development of Glutamate and GABA Transcript Expression in Monkey Visual, Parietal, and Prefrontal Cortices. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Dec 7:bhaa342. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa342. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 33279960.


Laboratory of David A. Lewis, MD

Researching the neural circuitry of the prefrontal cortex and related brain regions, and the alterations of this circuitry in schizophrenia.



© 2022 University of Pittsburgh




UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital
3811 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2593


University of Pittsburgh
Department of Psychiatry
W1651 Biomedical Science Tower
203 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2593

